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Year 5

Welcome to our class page! Below you will find lots of useful information regarding learning in Year 5. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know via Class Dojo. I am really looking forward to working with you and your child this year.

Kind regards,

Mr Davies

Spring Term 2025

Big Question – Palm Oil – Useful or harmful?


This topic takes Year 5 on an exciting journey to explore how palm oil production impacts ecosystems and human lives. Pupils will begin by identifying palm oil in everyday products and mapping its global trade, focusing on rainforests in Malaysia and Indonesia. 

Through activities like building terrariums and role-playing food webs, they’ll investigate how living things depend on each other for survival and how deforestation disrupts ecosystems. Creative tasks, such as writing from an orangutan’s perspective, will help them empathize with affected animals. 

Pupils will analyse deforestation data and learn about sustainable palm oil practices, creating persuasive posters and letters to promote ethical action. Debates and discussions will help them explore the complex balance between environmental protection and human needs. 

By the end, pupils will understand how their choices can shape the future, becoming informed citizens ready to take positive action for our planet.

Spring mid-term plan – Palm Oil & Habitats


This term we will be exploring Branch 3 of the Religious Education Directory (RED), which is Galilee to Jerusalem. We will explore the Beatitudes, make links with scripture and everyday life and find out about the most famous sermon – Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We will also explore Transfiguration and will invite Father Paul to come in and share his knowledge with us.

As a school we will continue with our Jesuit Values, starting with being Grateful and Generous.

Rights of the Child

Article 12: Respect for the views of the child. 

Article 29: The goals of education. 

Article 24: The right to health and a clean environment. 

Article 6: Every child has the right to life and development.  

Important Information

White Rose Maths Home Learning Videos

Please see the link below to watch videos of what we are currently learning in Maths. The list of additional websites with interactive games and activities underneath, will provide opportunities for children to practise their mathematical skills further. Downloading both the White Rose Maths and TT Rockstar app would be of great benefit for your child to spend up to half an hour daily.

Additional Links


Our PE day will be on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing e.g. trainers and the school PE kit.

Reading Books

Please encourage a love of reading by setting aside a little time every day to share a book with your child. A great way to develop your child’s confidence in learning is for them to spend at least 10 minutes a day encouraging your child to read, whether that be silently to themselves or aloud, this has s huge impact on all language skill and development.

Water Bottles/ Snack

Water bottles to be brought daily to school please. A piece of fruit/ snack can be brought for breaktime or alternatively, you can pay £1.50 per week (30p a day) for snack in school.

Welsh Language Patterns / Patrymau Cymraeg

For full list: Welsh Language Patterns

Pa ddydd ydy hi?What day is it?Dydd …… day.
Pa fis ydy hi?What month is it?Mis …Month …
Wyt ti’n mwynhau…?Do you enjoy …?Ydw. / Nag ydw.Yes. / No.
Wyt ti’n hoffi …?Do you like …?Ydw, dw i’n hoffi …Yes, I do like …
Wyt ti’n dwlu ar…?Do you love …?Nag ydw, dw i ddim yn hoffi…No, I don’t like …
Beth wyt ti’n hoffi fwyta / yfed / chwarae / wisgo / wneud?What do you like to eat / drink / play / wear / do?Dw i’n hoffi bwyta / yfed / chwarae / gwisgo / gwneud… I like to eat / drink / play / wear …
Beth wyt ti ddim yn hoffi?What don’t you like?Dw i ddim yn hoffi … I don’t like …