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Year 4

Welcome to our class page! We have an exciting year ahead! If you have any questions or concerns please let us know via Class Dojo. We look forward to working with you and your child this year.

Many thanks,

Mrs Cross & Mr Davies

Summer Term 2023

Pollution Solution

Big question: Is all plastic fantastic?

Narrative: This term our children will learn about their rights and responsibilities as members of their school and local community. We will consider the big question “Is all plastic fantastic?” and explore pollution around our local area and globally. We will develop our problem-solving skills and investigate the changes that we can make in the local community to do our part in looking after the environment. Using our inquiry skills and visits from Tata Steel, we will compare air pollution in Wales to the wider world. Learners will work collaboratively to think of ways that our school and local area can help the environment. We will learn about our rights to change. We will use this knowledge to bring about positive changes in our everyday lives and communicate this to the wider school community by creating a Plastic pollution campaign. We will celebrate the work of people in our local community and the wider world including ‘Surfers against sewage’ and celebrate ‘Ocean Day’. We will carry out ‘Litter Picks’ and create sculptures from recycled materials.

Rights of the child:

Article 24: I have the right to the best healthcare possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean safe environment and information to help you stay well. 

Article 27: I have the right to a clean place to live.

Monthly Homework Missions

We are introducing a new approach to homework as a whole school. We will focus on a different AoLE (Area of Learning and Experience) each time and will cover all 6 throughout the year. Our first AoLE will be looking at Health and Well-Being. Any work received after half term we will put on display.

Health and Well-being homework grid

Spring Term 2023

Blasus, Blasus!

Big Question: What matters to you in your choice of food?

Narrative: This term the children will learn about their rights to nutritious food to stay well and their right to food as a basic need. They will consider the big question “What matters to you in your choice of food?” and explore what matters most to them. They will develop their investigational skills, to help decide if there should be ethical considerations when choosing different foods, and design skills in order to create their own food. They will also consider making healthier choices when choosing food by increasing their knowledge of a balanced diet. They will also compare and contrast Fairtrade farmers and local farmers.

Rights of the Child:

Article 24: I have the right to the best healthcare possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean safe environment and information to help you stay well. 

Article 27: I have the right to food, clothing, and a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met.

Important Information

Year 4 newsletter – autumn (1)


Our PE day will be on Mondays. Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing e.g. trainers and school PE kit etc to school.

Water Bottles/ Snack

Water bottles to be brought daily to school please. A piece of fruit/ snack can be brought for breaktime or alternatively, you can pay £1.50 per week for snack in school. See the newsletter above for more details.

Autumn Term 2022


Big Question: Are all invaders bad?

Narrative: We will be looking how our local area has changed and how life in Wales has changed. We will have a particular focus on the Celtic Silurian tribe from Margam and how the Romans influenced life in Wales. We will also be creating shields with Celtic patterns and Torcs as well as having a go at weaving.

Rights of the Child

  Article 27: I have the right to food, clothing, and a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met.

Year 4 Weekly Timetable

P.E. kits are needed on Mondays please.

Please send reading books and records into school by Tuesday each week and will be given out on a Thursday.

After school clubs

Monday – Gardening/ Board games

White Rose Maths Home Learning Videos

Please see the link below to watch videos of what we are currently learning in Maths. We are focussing on Place Value and Addition and Subtraction this term. The list of additional websites with interactive games and activities underneath, will provide opportunities for children to practise their place value understanding further.

Additional links

Maths and Numeracy 

Times Tables 

T.T. Rockstars 

Percy Parker Videos 

Laugh and Learn Along Videos 


1 Minute Maths: This app is available for free in app stores. It is aimed at Foundation Phase pupils but may be suitable for practising key number skills. 

  BBC Bitesize Maths 

IXL Maths (10 free questions per day) 

Language, Literacy and Communication 

Daily reading 10 mins per day. 

BBC Bitesize English 

Top Marks: 

Oak National Academy 

Welsh Language Patterns / Patrymau Cymraeg

For full list: Welsh Language Patterns

Pwy wyt ti?

Who are you?

… dw i.

I am …

Beth ydy dy enw di?

What is your name?

… dw i.

I am …

Sut wyt ti’n teimlo?

How are you feeling?

Dw i’n teimlo …

I am feeling…

Ble wyt ti’n byw?

Where do you live?

Dw i’n byw yn …

I live …

Oes … gyda ti?

Have you got … ?

Oes. / Nag oes.

Yes. / No.

Oes … gyda ti?

Have you got … ?

Oes, mae … gyda fi.

Yes, I’ve got …

Oes … gyda ti?

Have you got … ?

Nag oes, does dim … gyda fi.

No, I haven’t got …

Ga i … os gwelwch yn dda?

Can I have … please?

Cei. / Na chei.

Yes. / No.