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Year 3

Welcome to our class page, below you will find plenty of useful information regarding the work in Year 3. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know via Class Dojo. I look forward to working with you and your child this year.

Warm Regards,

Mrs Hughes

Spring Term 2025

Plastic Pollution

Big Question: What are the effects of plastic pollution on the environment, humans and animals, including sea life?

Narrative: In Year 3, our topic on Plastic Pollution will provide children with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of plastic waste on sea life, other animals, humans, and the environment. Through this topic, children will explore the widespread effects of plastic pollution and learn how it harms ecosystems, wildlife, and even human health.

We will approach this subject from a cross-curricular perspective, covering a wide range of subjects in line with the Curriculum for Wales.

  • Science: Children will investigate how plastics break down in the environment and their impact on different species. They will learn about ecosystems and how pollutants disrupt natural habitats.
  • Geography: Pupils will explore how plastic pollution affects oceans, rivers, and land, with a focus on global issues and sustainable solutions.
  • Literacy: Through reading and writing activities, children will engage with informational texts about plastic pollution, write persuasive letters, and create posters to raise awareness. They will also be reading and listening to fantasy stories, learning about their features and creating their own.
  • Art and Design: Children will create art projects using recycled materials and will also explore how artists are using waste to create meaningful messages about plastic pollution.
  • Technology: We will use digital tools to track and present data related to plastic waste, and investigate innovative technologies used to address plastic pollution.
  • Welsh Language: Throughout the topic, children will have the opportunity to enhance their language skills using Welsh vocabulary to talk about sea creatures and their habitats.
  • Ethical and Sustainable Thinking: As part of the curriculum’s focus on citizenship, children will consider how they can reduce plastic use in their daily lives and make a positive impact on the local environment around the school and Aberavon beach in particular.
  • RE: In Year 3, children will explore the religious teachings, scripture, and stories from Galilee to Jerusalem. They will learn about the life and teachings of Jesus, particularly his messages of love, justice, and service to others. Through stories and scripture, students will explore key events. These teachings will help children understand the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching, such as the dignity of the person, solidarity, and the call to serve others, especially those in need. The children will reflect on how these values can be lived out in their own lives, promoting peace, justice, and care for creation.

By integrating this topic across various areas of learning, children will not only gain a deeper understanding of plastic pollution but also develop the skills and mindset needed to make a difference in protecting our planet.

Rights of the Child:

Article 29- You have the right to be the best you can be.  Education must help you develop your skills and talents to the full.

Article 15- You have the right to meet with friends and join groups

Article 7-You have the right to a name and a nationality

Article 24You have the right to clean water, healthy food, a clean environment and good healthcare

Important Information


PE is currently on Thursday, we ask that children come to school wearing their appropriate PE clothes which they will remain in all day so no need to bring a change of clothes.

Water bottles/ Snack

Please could every child bring in a water bottle to drink from during the day. They may also bring a piece of fruit/ snack for playtime. We also offer a variety of snacks through the week for the cost of £1.50 per week or £10 for the whole half term. Please could money be brought into class in an envelope.

Reading at home

Children will take home their reading record and books daily and they will be changed on a Friday. Please could you take some time to listen to your child read and write a comment in the reading record. Instructions on how to use the reading record for those children reading Read Write Inc books are stuck on the inside cover of the record.

Login information

At school, children regularly login to websites, which can also be accessed at home, to help practice and strengthen key skills including maths, reading and ICT. Login details can be sent home via Class Dojo so please get in touch if you would like those details. 

TT Rockstars – Times Tables Practice

Reading Eggs – Reading Practice

HWB – ICT programmes on hwb that children can access


Please press the link to the White Rose Maths scheme to watch videos of what we are learning in Maths. We are currently focusing on addition and subtraction this term.

Here are some extra links to help support maths learning at home:



BBC Bitesize

TT Rockstars 

Welsh Language Patterns / Patrymau Cymraeg

Children will learn to talk about sea creatures and pollution on our beaches in Welsh, alongside weekly patterns.

For full list: Welsh Language Patterns

Pwy wyt ti?


Who are you?

… dw i.


I am …

Beth ydy dy enw di?


What is your name?

… dw i.


I am …

Sut wyt ti?


How are you?

Dw i’n …


I am …

Ble wyt ti’n byw?


Where do you live?

Dw i’n byw yn …


I live …

Oes … gyda ti?


Have you got … ?

Oes. / Nag oes.


Yes. / No.

Oes … gyda ti?


Have you got … ?

Oes, mae … gyda fi.


Yes, I’ve got …

Oes … gyda ti?


Have you got … ?

Nag oes, does dim … gyda fi.


No, I haven’t got …

Ga i … os gwelwch yn dda?


Can I have … please?

Cei. / Na chei.


Yes. / No.