Spring Term 2025
Going Green!
Big Question: Why should we look after the environment?
This term our children will develop an understanding of their responsibility as citizens of Wales and the Wider World, and the importance of creating a sustainable future. We will consider the big question “Why should we look after the environment?” and explore what how we can be good stewards of God’s creation by creating sustainable habits. They will develop their enquiry skills and investigate what plants need to grow. Learners will be encouraged to be active, informed and responsible citizens who can contribute to their communities. Learners will take opportunities for social and sustainable action, enabling them to create meaning and purpose in their own lives.
Rights of the Child:
Article 13: I have the right to find out things and share what I think with others
Article 28: I have the right to good quality education where I am encouraged to be the best that I can be.
Autumn Term 2024
Houses, Homes and Castles
Big Question: What makes a house a home?
Narrative: This term our children will learn about their rights to a clean and safe place to live. We will consider the big question “Is a house a home?” and explore what home means to them. They will develop their problem-solving skills and investigate the properties and suitability of materials when designing items to fit a design brief e.g., which recycled material would be best to create a recycled pen pot for the classroom/ home. They will work collaboratively to use a range of materials and tools to create their designs and make improvements where necessary. Using their inquiry skills, learners will compare houses through time and look at the changes throughout history. They will compare and contrast houses in Wales and around the world and consider “What do we need in our homes?”
Rights of the Child:
Article 24: I have the right to the best healthcare possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean safe environment and information to help you stay well.
Article 27: I have the right to food, clothing, and a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met.
White Rose Maths Home Learning Videos
Please see the link below to watch videos of what we are currently learning in Maths. We are focussing on Place Value this term (full list of objectives can be found in Autumn overview above.) The list of additional websites with interactive games and activities underneath, will provide opportunities for children to practise their place value understanding further.
Additional Links
Our PE day will be on Tuesdays. Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing e.g. trainers/ joggers/leggings etc to school. There is no need for children in Foundation Phase to wear school sports kit.
Reading Books
Please encourage a love of reading by setting aside a little time every day to share a book with your child. A great way to develop your child’s confidence in learning is for them to spend at least 10 minutes a day on Reading Eggs . Copies of these passwords can be sent home via reading records/ class dojo.
Reading Eggs – https://readingeggs.co.uk/signup1/
Water Bottles/ Snack
Water bottles to be brought daily to school please. A piece of fruit/ snack can be brought for breaktime or alternatively, you can pay £1.50 per week (30p a day) for snack in school. See the newsletter above for more details.
Other Information
Read Write Inc Parents booklet 1
Read Write Inc Parents booklet 2
Welsh Language Patterns / Patrymau Cymraeg
For full list: Welsh Language Patterns
Pwy wyt ti?Who are you? | … dw i.I am … |
Sut wyt ti?How are you? | Dw i wedi blino.I am tired. |
Ble wyt ti’n byw?Where do you live? | Dw i’n byw yn …I live in … |
Ga i … os gwelwch yn dda?Can I have … please? | Cei. / Na chei.Yes. / No. |
Beth ydy dy oed di?What is your age? | Dw i’n … oed.I am … years old. |
Faint ydy dy oed di?How old are you? | Dw i’n … oed.I am … years old. |