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Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are really looking forward to welcoming your child to St Joseph’s next week for their Transition Days. These days will be the first opportunity for the whole year group to be together and take part in a number of activities and taster sessions throughout the two days.

We have spent the last couple of weeks meeting with Year 6 teachers and primary headteachers to get as much information as possible about your child to ease the transition between primary and secondary. We know first-hand how important this step is for children but also how daunting it can be. We are doing and will continue to do everything we can to make this big step as natural and comfortable as possible.

Below is a reminder of what was sent to you via letter earlier in the term:

Wednesday 10th July – Pastoral and Academic Transition Day  (8.45am – 3pm)

Pupils should arrive at the school between 8:30-8:40am and make their way to the New Hall.

Followed after school by Meeting with parents / guardians & pupils (3.30pm – 4:30pm)

This will begin at 3:30pm in the New Hall followed by time with form tutors to sort data collection, uniform fittings, cashless system setup, tutor team consultations and light refreshments.

Thursday 11th July– Transition Activity Day (8.45am – 3pm)

Pupils will take part in individual and team activities led by our Year 12 Sixth Form Students. A spare change of clothes will be required as pupils may get wet during some activities.

Pupils will be provided with a small snack during breaktime and lunch will be available for them from the canteen (there is no charge for food over these two days). Pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they’d prefer. If your child has any specific food allergies please let us know so that we can inform the canteen.

Pupils can wear their current school uniform/PE kit on Wednesday (whichever they feel most comfortable in) and PE kit on Thursday.

If you have any questions in the meantime please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you next week!

Best wishes,

James Torrance